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Angelofdore Art


The role I take as a Cos-painter is to create a safe space to promote body confidence; not just for the canvas (the model) but also the audience (those who observe the paint). It is important to me that body positivity takes a front seat, especially at a time when the majority of us are dominated by social media apps and filters. 

Cos-painting creates a family friendly environment where all can observe the creation of a character, removing the sexualisation of the human form, this observation for many can set in motion their thoughts of their own bodies in a more positive way. Cos-painting is the art of creation, inclusion and acceptance and this is the foundation to my work. 

In addition to this my research into Costume Painting has opened up therapy possibilities in relation to physical and mental health benefits- more specifically - Pain Management that can lead to improved mobility and focus.

The redirection of focus into an art form that allows a person to become another as a form of controlled escapism.


My ongoing academic research can be found on ResearchGate  Kae Burnell-Chambers (


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